Robust and with high-resolution
Magnetic encoders

Our incremental encoders sense a gear magnetically, that is, in a contact-free manner. The result is a robust, contamination-resistant, long-lived solution for the precise measurement of angle and speed, e.g. in drive motors for machine tools and test benches.

By using closed metal housings and a powerful bias magnet system, our encoders are characterised by their high resistance to mechanical, electrical and magnetic interference. This type of interference can include: Vibration, shock, ESD influence or external magnetic fields in synchronous motors.

Do you have questions? Call us:

phone: 05205 9988690


  • Magnetic, contact-free probing of gears of steel
  • Analogue 1 Vpp SIN/COS output signals
  • Alternatively: TTL or HTL signals
  • Signal replication using built-in interpolation electronics
  • Automatic stabilisation of amplitudes
  • High-resolution measurement of speed and angle rotation up to more than 100,000 rpm
  • Suitable for HSC applications (High Speed Cutting)
  • Recognition of direction of rotation
  • Temperature-stable up to 100 °C (option up to 120 °C)
  • High EMC and ESD resistance (up to 30 kV)
  • I2C interface for adjustment of signal parameters as needed
  • Robust metal housing
  • Certified as safety integrated


To implement custom requirements, the user has a diverse selection of accessories available:

  • Measurement gears: Modulus M = 0.3 or M = 0.5 in standard variant or to specification
  • Design of the sensor housing: different standard variants or according to customer specification
  • Different types of signal lines and temperature cables
  • Connection kit: different standard variants or according to customer specification
  • External converter boxes, e.g. for signal digitalisation or replication (interpolation)
  • USB boxes for adjustment of signal parameters via I2C interface as needed
  • USB measurement boxes for quality control and mobile service to analyse sensor signals and gear quality

Product continuity

Magnetic gear wheel encoders are characterized by their long service life. If a spindle is repaired today, it can very well be the case that the corresponding encoder has already been retired. On the other hand, it can also happen that you want to continue production of a spindle of a popular design, but the matching encoders are no longer available for purchase. For these cases, VS Sensorik offers a variety of encoders that secure your product continuity in the future as well:

  • VS Sensorik: Sensors in the MGK2M, KWG2M, KWG2D and RGK2M series are still available, or there are mechanically compatible variants available
  • Siemens: For the sensors in the SIZAG and SIMAG series, there are mechanically compatible designs available
  • Sensor compatibility with all current gear types with a modulus of M = 0.3 or M = 0.5, particularly in terms of the design of the reference marks
  • Encoders for gears with a modulus M = 0,8 or M = 1,0 are available (e.g. replacement for FP-210)

Technical data

Magnetic encoders

Model Signal type Description
Series RGM2G

overview of magnetic gear wheel encoders series RGM2G

ordering description


answers to frequently asked questions about magnetic gear wheel encoders

series RGM2G


analog, 1Vpp


magnetic gear wheel encoders for measurement gears with M= 0.3 or 0.5

standard execution


analog, 1Vpp


magnetic gear wheel encoders for measurement gears with M= 0.3 or 0.5

compatible with Siemens SIZAG encoders


analog, 1Vpp


magnetic gear wheel encoders for measurement gears with M= 0.3 or 0.5

compatible with Siemens SIMAG encoders


analog, 1Vpp


magnetic gear wheel encoders for measurement gears with M= 0.3 or 0.5

with external box for a 17-pin connector and T-cable

(data sheet: english version on request)


analog, 1Vpp


magnetic gear wheel encoders for measurement gears with M= 0.3 or 0.5

with trim potentiometers, replacement of encoders series RGK2M


analog, 1Vpp


magnetic gear wheel encoders for measurement gears with M= 0.3 or 0.5

with I2C interface, replacement of encoders series RGK2M


analog, 1Vpp


magnetic gear wheel encoders for measurement gears with M= 1.0

alternatively with with I2C-interface, replacement of encoders series RGK2M




magnetic gear wheel encoders for measurement gears with M= 1.0

pulse multiplication, interpolation factor IF selectable

data sheet on request


analog, 1Vpp


magnetic gear wheel encoders for measurement gears with M= 0.5

cylindrical housing with 17-pin connector, with I2C interface




magnetic gear wheel encoders for measurement gears with M= 0.3 or 0.5

pulse multiplication, interpolation factor IF selectable




magnetic gear wheel encoders for measurement gears with M= 0.3 or 0.5 or 0.75

pulse multiplication, interpolation factor IF selectable




magnetic gear wheel encoders for measurement gears with M= 0.3 or 0.5 or 0.75

pulse multiplication, interpolation factor IF selectable



TTL oder HTL

magnetic gear wheel encoders for meas. gears with M equal or greater than 1.25

pulse multiplication, interpolation factor IF selectable

Gear wheels

Model Signal type Description



Mesurement gear wheel: module M= 0.3 and number of theeth N= 180

Ref.-marks implemented as "tooth" - robust dsign for high speed applications



Mesurement gear wheel: module M= 0.3 and number of theeth N= 256

Ref.-marks implemented as "tooth" - robust dsign for high speed applications



Mesurement gear wheel: module M= 0.3 and number of theeth N= 256

Ref.-marks implemented as "tooth" - robust dsign for high speed applications



Mesurement gear wheel: module M= 0.5 and number of theeth N= 64

Ref.-marks implemented as "tooth" - robust dsign for high speed applications



Mesurement gear wheel: module M= 0.5 and number of theeth N= 128

Ref.-marks implemented as "tooth" - robust dsign for high speed applications 



Mesurement gear wheel: module M= 0.5 and number of theeth N= 160

Ref.-marks implemented as "tooth" - robust dsign for high speed applications



Mesurement gear wheel: module M= 0.5 and number of theeth N= 200

Ref.-marks implemented as "tooth" - robust dsign for high speed applications



Mesurement gear wheel: module M= 0.5 and number of theeth N= 256

Ref.-marks implemented as "tooth" - robust dsign for high speed applications



Mesurement gear wheel: module M= 0.32 and number of theeth N= 256

Ref.-marks implemented as "tooth" - robust dsign for high speed applications



Mesurement gear wheel: module M= 0.32 and number of theeth N= 256

Ref.-marks implemented as "tooth" - robust dsign for high speed applications



Mesurement gear wheel: module M= 0.32 and number of theeth N= 400

Ref.-marks implemented as "tooth" - robust dsign for high speed applications



Mesurement gear wheel: module M= 0.32 and number of theeth N= 480

Ref.-marks implemented as "tooth" - robust dsign for high speed applications

?   Measurement gear wheels with an individual construction on request!


Model Signal type Description
connector kit  

description of different connector kits for magnetic gear wheel encoders

(data sheet: english version on request)


external interpolation box series EBOX2T with selectable interpolation factor

input: analog encoder signals 1Vpp

output: TTL signals, interpolated with a factor IF

Useful & interesting

Model Signal type Description
safety integ.  

certificate "safety integrated" of gear wheel encoders series RGM2G


analog, 1Vpp


spezification of reference mark signal (0 mark signal) analog gear wheel encoders

parameters & troubleshooting (english version on request)

Cable assignm.  

standard cable assignment for 17-pin connectors


gear wheel calculator (excel sheet)

Mag. DG  

Magnetic gear wheel encoders: construction & operation

schematic presentation